“Tapi Mitra” and “TapiMitra Express” are a rudimental Gujarati News paper publishes from Tapi Distinct on weekly (Tuesday and Saturday) basis. It is a leading Gujarati newspaper which gets high esteem and readership among readers of Gujarat. You can find information about different local festivals, tourist places and political news etc. We here to represents public issues and problems to the governments using e-paper, social media and internet and though soft copy. Our Media & Tapi Mitra is publishing in our mother tongue Gujarati.
“Tapi Mitra” and “TapiMitra Express” are edited and observe by young, Influential and highly experienced key person Mahesh Prajapati. He took an initiative by publishing ‘Tapi Mitra’ with strong tenacity to spread Gujarat and its culture to the world. The main aim of publishing this new paper is too helpful for people who get the right information. Trust is committed to its trustworthy news and natural information. Our news paper is weekly with all NEWS means North, East , West and South information and we are proving all daily news updates through our website and mobile application.
“Tapi Mitra” and “TapiMitra Express” have eligible and more experienced reporter’s team. By their routine field work, they convert it into news fashion by their best writing skill. Our reporters are widely spread News paper in South Gujarat to gather news at the domestic as well as national level.
In this way, Here You can locate the entire data about India and its way of life and about the entire world. I am certain that you will appreciate and get something that you have never know by going to. This is not trop Breaking news in South Gujarat we give you all information about the world.